2022/2023 school year begins

As we prep for school, my anxiety is on overload. I have spent the last week over thinking and having restless time about course selected. Going into grade 11, Samuel had to select courses that align with his career goal and it was difficult knowing where we want to go plus the courses that align with his desire

Samuel wasnts to be a chef. I felt like computer science may be a great choice for him…well, it looks to be easy for him. I made his course choices with his career goal/desire in mind and with understanding that i don’t want him to take any unnecessary language centered course since language is our biggest challenge.

But as school is about to start, i am anxious, i am double guessing myself…should i have selected chemistry and Biology and co for him, should i have selected accounting for him, is it right to center his course around hospitality and fitness?

I don’t know if i made the right choice. My prayer is that Samuel will have an amazing year. That his future will be super bright. That my choices for him will not impact his life negatively. I also pray that my anxiety will subside and i can enjoy the second to the last high school year of the boy that has taught me more about myself than anyone else.

Congratulations Sammie boi and to all the students. Wishing you all great success.

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