
I cried tonight
Oh! I subbed like I have never done before.
The realization hit me like a brick…that realization that we cant….that I may have failed.
The realization that the sacrifices produce no result
December…while everyone was rejoicing…while everyone was in a cheerful mood…while everyone was full of energy, I received a news that I wasn’t prepared for and it hit me today……. I received collection of news that almost made me take time off work to avoid a breakdown.  The road block that I thought we had overcome showed up with even more blocks
I sit in this car ..looking at my door but cant go in

I just gather myself
I must wipe my tears
I must put on my mama face
I must push emotional s back
I must go in as a happy mum not the shattered person I am now

Its devastating to know that the news in KG2 remains same today.

It’s hard for me as a mother to hear that STILL your child is SEVERLY delayed in both verbal and receptiveĀ  language.
It’s difficult to know that his future is cloudy for me

As other parent walk excitedly today exploring classes and with such bright future, I breakdown knowing that the future is cloudy for us.

I cried today … I am still crying today