New HEIGHT – SAMUEL  The Olympian

Throughout hight school, i was always involved in sports. I beleieve every child should have some outside school team (or individual) activities that they are involved in. Finding that activity has been challenging for me when it comes to Samuel. Samuel has tried Piano and honestly, he has been okay at it. We tried soccer and basketball as well but none has really stuck

Team activities has specially become challenging because as kids grow, their competitive and desire to win always grows….this is natural progression. So although i have always been successful at advocating for Samuel to be accepted into mainstream sport teams (and sport organizations have been accepting of Samuel as well), I as a parent can see when balls are not passed to him even when he is wide open. This hurts but i am not offended because sport is competitive and we all want to win.

Then covid happened and i heard about Special Olympics Ontario and as soon as in-person sport opened up last year, i registered Samuel for their basketball team. Samuel does NOT like basketball but what I admire about him is his willingness to try something once and be fully committed to it.

Samuel’s team has the most amazing players/people i have seen in a long time. They welcomed Sam with so much joy. Samuel started with them not knowing how to control his stemm while on the court. They supported him and guided him on how to use his height on the court. He didn’t know how to dribble or even defend the basket or rebound. You would often hear “Sam, stay under the basket and just raise your hands” and Samuel will follow through without knowing how to use his height and body to his advantage.

Samuel also mostly skip, he doesn’t run often. Coach Debbie would remind him to run not skip on the court. Samuel joined the team winter of 2023 and that year happen to be the new qualifying year for Special Olympics provincial draft 2020 game that was suspended due to covid….

Samuel went from not being focused on the team to being nominated to be on the team representing Southern Ontario in the provincial game. I remember when he got through to the second level of the draft and while i was feeling his questionaire for him, my anciety was through the roof. I was so proud that he was able to make it to that level but getting the final call over 7 months ago, i could not believe how far he has come.

The Competion came and went. I cannot speak enough about Samuel’s contribution on the team. I am so proud of him. Samuel showed up as a mature 17 years old. He gave his all on the court and i could only watch with pride. My baby walked in to that game and worked with his team.  Many of the coaches of the other team spoke to how far he has come and his sportmanship. Samuel was the life of the team…he danced with every block and basket…he had a blast and brough smile to many people’s face. He also got his first sport injury and had to sit out their last game……i couldnt not be more proud of him.

Who would have thought that my baby Samuel…my boy who is so gentle and delicate can come to the court and defend the basket like his life depended on it.

Congratulatiioms to Samuel The Olympian 🙂

3 Replies to “New HEIGHT – SAMUEL  The Olympian”

  1. Congratulations Sam. I’m so proud of him Abby. To hear about him rise to the occasion in everything he does. I remember when he started high school & how many concerns you had to this amazing moment. Well done mom 🩷🩷🩷

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