Maturity? I think YES

Samuel turned 14 a week ago. 14!! I can’t believe that my Sammy is just 4 years from what THEY considered adulthiod:). It has really been a journey. A journey that has taught me so much; I have gained much more from Samuel than I can ever give to him. He has made me who I am today….eternally grateful.

Samuel’s birthday was simple…a simple pizza, drinks, snacks and cake. We ordered vanilla cake but they mistaken made chocolate. As soon as I saw it, I knew a meltdown was underwat but yet NOTHING…Samuel asked if I could return it and I simply said I was tired and can do it Saturday morning….and he said “Okay”. Okay was the last word or reaction from my mind. The old Samuel would have broken down into a total meltdown with eyes and nose running. You would have thought he had received the worst news in the world.

The next morning, I heard his footsteps and did my usual “Samuel, you have to brush your teeth” anticipating the usual argument around why brushing on weekend is required but I got NOTHING. He just opened my door and said “Thank you for yesterday, I had fun”…I was shocked and taken aback by his reaction.

If this is what 14 has to offer me, I am ready and excited for what the year has in store for Samuel. I am always proud and excited for this boy. His pure heartedness is what I aspire to have.

Thank you to everyone that has been supporting and praying with us. We are greatful❤

Happy birthday once again Sam. 14 is looking amazingly well with you.

3 Replies to “Maturity? I think YES”

  1. Happy belated Birthday Sam. Great kids are often the best gift of amazing parents & in your case an amazing mom. So how do you feel about dating at 18 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry I couldn’t help myself… please, exhale

  2. Yippee! Progress. It is a step by step process. Sometimes those steps are so small you may think nothing is happening. Each step on your journey is important. Well done Mom and Samuel!

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