It has been a long time

It has been way too long

Life has been moving at such a fast pace and my plan to provide updates has been fruitless. Samuel has been doing great. The biggest change I have seen is his awareness, It seems like turing 14 caused some change within him.

He still move around alot and has managed to break all my dinning chair BUT I remain thankful for the “small” stuffs. One day couple of weeks ago, he walked into my room and said “Good Morning” without any prompt….thankful, Everyday as he walks out of the house, when we tell him to have a good, he tells us to do same…thankful, He has managed to pass all his 4 courses so far….thankful.

My blessing when it comes to Sam is unending, its un quantifiable, do we have challenges? With school, with support staffs, at home but I have come to realize that for me…for us…..I must be wise with picking the battle I fight, battle I warn and leave and battle I just leave by the road side …this has worked for me….for us.

I am sending love to all parent, this season is not easy. Its a season that will test us all in different ways….test our finances, mental health, relationships and much more…..our children are also going through a very tough season….I wish you all peace and love.

9 Replies to “It has been a long time”

  1. Yes, it’s been a long time😊. I’m so happy Sam is doing well. You’re a ‘super human’ in my eyes. Trying to cope with the challenges of the past year; to you & all the parents out there, well done !!!!! ❤️ u.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I assure you that your positive attitude to life is rubbing off on those who are thinking otherwise. May God continue to bless the work of your hands and your family. Please keep up the good work 👍

  3. You are amazing and doing amazingly well. Thankful for Papilolo and all his progress. He will continue to progress in leaps and bounds and pleasantly surprise you and make you all proud.
    I’m with you on picking your battles. It’s a great approach and helps you maintain your peace haha.

    Sending plenty love from here..xx

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