Happy sweet 16

There is no time i think about your journey without a drop of tears….happy tears. You are really my perfect person and you have made the last 16 years so beautiful. With you, this journey into parenthood has been an adventure that i will go on over and over again.

Happy sweer 16 to my Sammie boi.
16 years of of turning an impossibility to possibility.
16 years of facing challenges head on without failing.
16 years of setting your own standard
16 years of breaking barriers

Your growth this last year has been nothing but amazing. You have acquire so much independence and

I just love how you love,
i love how everyone you encounter love and adore you,
i love how you make things look easy,
i love how you are so routine oriented,
i love how you schedule everything,
i love how you run constantly around the hpuse without bumping into a thing…i even love dem.3 dotts on your back 🙂

I am excited for what this year brings for you. As always, we will forever attempt everything your agemates gets to do therefore, Sammie, as you said, it’s driving season for you and it is your season of first Job. I cant wait to cross things off the list together and as you always do, i cant wait for you to amaze me.

Happy sweet 16 my prince. You are always my reason