Happy 15th Birthday


It has really been a very long time.  I have been so preoccupied with fulfilling some of my personal goals and finally spending time with self.   But Sammy boi can only turn 15 one day in a year.   On his birthdays, i am always reminded of this beautiful journey he took me on 15 years ago….i am always grateful that he chose me…small me.  He has been an amazing blessing to myself and everyone he meets.

Ayomide (My joy has come), your name has never failed; you are the epitome of joy, laughter, your energy brings peace to everywhere you go.  I am proud of you, of your being, of your success, of that spinkle of birth marks on your back, of your smile, of your big ole feet🤣🤣…..you make me the proudest mum to ever live.   You are the human that i want to be like.  Thank you for making the journey super easy, thank youfor loving me with no reservation, thank you for that special hug a decade ago when i was in my lowest…when i was contemplating, thank yoi for being my lifeline, my beautiful anchor❤❤❤

Happy 15th birthday my baby boi, biggest papa, laughterologist.   You continue to make us super proud of who and how you are. May you ecperience unprecedented favour, growth and success this year.

So let me share one of our accomplishments this year with you. Last school year, Samuel was taking grade 9 locally developed class. Based on IEP, he was taking about grade 5 math. Samuel got like 90 something without studying or even having assignmnets. I decided to request for a move to a grade 10, no accommodation excluding EA and out of locally developed. I was scared doing this, my objective is not to stress Samuel but i’ve always known that Samuel is a math genious that is et to be discovered. Language is our mortal enemy🤣🤣🤣

Samuel is now taking his grade level math and has had the audacity to look at me sideways when i wasn’t able to help him with his homework.🤣🤣🤣 Samuel is doing well, his mid term report card came yesterday and he got 70% with the class average at 60. This is the tastemant to the person that Samuel is. You give him a challenge, and he walks through it like a pro. This is a boy that went from grade 5 math to 10, skipping 5 years of math and still manage to get 70. We are excited for this new year for you Samuel

My only begging for you this year is to stop growing in height and shoe size, my pocket cant take it anymore🤣🤣🤣

Happy birthday my first love❤❤❤


8 Replies to “Happy 15th Birthday”

  1. Congratulations and Happy birthday Big Papa! Samuel Ayomide. I rejoice with you greatly. The Lord that has carried you thus far will carry you to the end. You are an inspiration and a testimony to the greatness of God. Indeed what God cannot do does not exist. Continue to win, soar and achieve greatness you are created for. Love you! Mummy Kiki

  2. Wow papa Sam you have done so great and auntie is super excited and proud. Your mum and I are olodo when he comes to mathematics good to know you are a mathematical genius. Keep soaring high in all aspects of life !!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthdays Samuel 🥳🎉❤️. I had no doubt that he would well in school. You’re such an amazing – I’m in awe of u. I ❤️ U & miss u. I haven’t laughed really hard in a long time. 😞

    1. Miss you so much and love you dearly❤❤❤ Maybe i will disturb you on Monday because a girls has got to laugh….we need to exercise this face muscles❤❤🤣 just always know that you are loved

  4. That is a wonderful tribute to Samuel. I would like to say also his success is because of you. You never gave up on him and he is thriving. Happy 15th Birthday Samuel. I hope yojur day is special in every way!

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