Fear-The battle continues

“Mum, you know you can ask me to come and stay in your room”

“Samuel, do you want to stay in the room with me”


Aaron has moved to his room and Tiara is asleep, my moment to catch up with work also lead me to my room leaving Samuel by himself. The constant fear of the unknown has been a battle that we have been going through for the last few months…we tried therapy but it hasn’t worked. So when Samuel asked about me needing him to stay in my room, I knew it was because of the fear of being alone.

Samuel fear being on any floor of the house alone. When I’m busy Aaron has to be my backup resource (Honestly, sibling of any child with any form of disability need some forms of award) or at times, Grandma Jane will walk with him to grab food in the pantry (fear of being in the room alone). This battle has gone on for too long, I am without an idea of how to resolve it, it seems like we will need to ride this one out.

This is not our first rodeo with extreme fear but this has produce the least amount of meltdowns so in a way, I am super grateful for some form of maturity on my part as well as his. However, I am ready to see it go, I hate hearing fear in his voice, I hate having him rely on the presence of another human being.

In the middle of a battle or a setback, I can never loose focus of how far we have come. Most importantly, like the battles in the past, this too shall pass.

Regardless of how strong the wind of life blows, we remain standing.

4 Replies to “Fear-The battle continues”

  1. I share your optimism. Your attitude towards Samuel reflects the true love mothers will always have for their children. This phase will surely pass and Samuel will take the reins of his life in his hands.
    Please do not allow any doubt come into mind. Remember that there is light at the end of a tunnel. Together, we shall give thanks. Stay bless always.

    1. Thank you so much ma. Your love and words of encouragement always ring at the back of my mine💖

  2. You are a great Mom and you and Samuel have accomplished so much already. Do you know why he has the fear or what may have started it? I was wondering if you knew that then it might help with his healing. Blessings!

    1. I am honestly trying to find out. I am sure that covid situation and lockdown did not help :(. But in all, we continue to move towards the bright light 🙂

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