Autism Awareness Day

As we all deal with the current world challenge,I hope we are taking time to stay safe, maintain safe distance and stay indoor as much as we can.  We will indeed get through this.

April 2nd is Autism Awareness day and my hope is that for this particular one,we take out time to check on each other and especially,check on parents with kids who have unique needs.

I have been thinking about how most parent of children and adults on the spectrum are feeling.  It must not be easy for them to explain to their none verbal kids about the situation  we are in and why they are unable to go to their regular activities (most kids on the spectrum  love and need to stay on routine).  I went for a walk the other day with Samuel and when he saw my neighbor,he attempted to run over to them…..and Samuel is aware of Corona virus (too aware even) so how much more children who cant really grasp the situation and understand social distancing.

I sympathize with single parents who still have to go shopping with their kid(s) on the spectrum. Going grocery with Samuel would have been hell because I can guarantee that folks wouldn’t have snapped at us because Samuel doesnt really understand that their is something called personal space.

As we pray, meditate (or whatever we all do to keep same during this period), please include these parents in your thought.

Let’s us also educate our kids about the uniqueness that is in all of us. This too shall pass

SHALOM #AutismAwarenessDay