🎶All throughout my history, your faithfulness has walked beside me🎶

I have been doing alot of reflection on our journey so far this past weekend.  One thing is for sure, I have never been left alone (even in my loneliest of time).  Even when nobody was there physically..emotionally and as I walked with Samuel into the unknown and many trial by fire or successs experiment, my Faith gave me the comfort, shoulder to cry on and held me up when I just wanted to give up.

When no human was there to check in, you continously check up. When I couldn’t see, you opened my inner eyes. When I couldn’t hear his voice, you assured me that with time…dedication..sacrifices…it will happen. When he will stay awake for days and I was clueless about what to do, you gave me the strength to still continue. When work and therapy time collided and I felt like I had to pick one over the other, you created a gap for me to walk through.

When I see him now….doing his own grocery, paying for it…asking for just the two of us to go for a walk….when he argues about every damn thing….when he calls to ask where I am….when he shows tender care towards his little sister…when he wrestles with his brother…..

I see all this as the fulfillment of my sacrifices and your strength in me. I see it as the evidence that just like yesterday was so cloudy and we walked through it successfully, so will tomorrow be successful. I see it that my fear today for the future may be valid but just like fear of yesterday, we will come out victorious.



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